Profile details of Scammer temmy thorpe


Scammer temmy thorpe

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-----E-mail d'origine----- De : Temmy Thorpe Envoyé le : Sa, 1 Jul 2017 9:54 Sujet : Hi there from What do you do for a living and how do you make money ? Am broke for now and no money on me. Can you afford to send me some money through WesternUnion or Money gram ? Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----E-mail d'origine----- De : Temmy Thorpe Envoyé le : Me, 30 Jun 2017 19:38 Sujet : Hi there from Good to hear from you. How old are you ? am26. What country are you at the moment ? Do you have Kik or hangouts ? ----------------------------------------------------- -----E-mail d'origine----- De : Temmy Thorpe Envoyé le : Ma, 11 Jul 2017 4:20 Sujet : send me what you can afford : Can you afford to send me some money through Western Union or money gram ? Am presently in Nigeria at the moment. How much can you afford to send me now ? Should I send you info you will need to send me some money through Western Union or Money gram Can you make it $200 and should I give you my info now so you can send ? Name : Temi Thorpe. Address : 1 Igbe Road Ikorodu Lagos. State : Lagos. Country : Nigeria. Zip code : 23401. This is the information you need to send me money through Western Union or MoneyGram send me what you can afford

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